College Savings
What We Do

Regardless of whether you have a newborn or a teenager, it’s important that you begin creating a plan for your child’s college today. Although it is best to start the college investment process when your child is young, it is never too late to get started.
Sometimes individuals put off thinking about these expenses, hoping that their child will receive scholarships or financial aid. While a scholarship may be a possibility for your child, at Fehrman Investment Group, we encourage our clients not to count on these external sources. While they can alleviate a portion of the college expense, many scholarships are not always comprehensive and not available to everyone. This means that even if your child received a scholarship, you could still be faced with the lion’s share of expenses for their education.
With many new college savings plans and alternatives available, it is critical to choose the one that’s appropriate for you. Selecting the wrong plan – or not investing properly within the right one – can prohibit you from maximizing your savings.
At Fehrman Investment Group, our experienced advisors can help guide you to a strategy that would fit the needs of you and your child, helping you to maximize the plan that is best suited to your specific needs, risk tolerances and requirements.
We recognize that your child’s education is important to you. And because of that, it’s also important to us. The Fehrman Investment Group team will listen to your objectives and can help to provide personalized strategies to help you reach them. By putting your investment needs first, we can help you properly plan for a bright future.
If you are interested in discussing a college savings plan, then we encourage you to call our office in Augusta, Georgia at: (706) 922-3590 or by clicking HERE and completing the contact form.